The Tendermint Key Management System (or TMKMS) should be used by any validator currently or intending to be in the active validator set. This application mitigates the risk of double-signing and provides high-availability to validator keys while keeping these keys on a separate physical host. While TMKMS can be used on the same machine as the validator, it is recommended to be on a separate host.
Let's look at an example - Canto
Create new user (from root)
Copy adduser tmkms
usermod -aG sudo tmkms
su tmkms
cd $HOME
Install RUST
Copy curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.3 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
#Install GCC
sudo apt update & sudo apt install build-essential curl jq --yes
Compile and sort TMKMS binaries
Copy cd $HOME
cargo install tmkms --features=softsign
sudo mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/tmkms /usr/local/bin/
Create and Init TKMS working directory
Copy mkdir -p $HOME/tmkms/canto
tmkms init $HOME/tmkms/canto
Import Private key
Upload your validator priv_validator_key.json
to directory /home/tmkms/priv_validator_key.json
Then check availablity
Copy cat $HOME/priv_validator_key.json
If right output is appeared, follow next step below
Copy tmkms softsign import $HOME/priv_validator_key.json $HOME/tmkms/canto/secrets/canto-consensus.key
Now we can erase copy of original file
Copy sudo shred -uvz $HOME/priv_validator_key.json
Swap tmkms.toml
to the one below. The only "addr ="
field edit need to be done, replace it with your validator node IP + port(26658 default)
Copy rm -rf ~/tmkms/canto/tmkms.toml
tee ~/tmkms/canto/tmkms.toml << EOF
#Tendermint KMS configuration file
id = "canto_7700-1"
key_format = { type = "bech32", account_key_prefix = "cantopub", consensus_key_prefix = "cantovalcons" }
state_file = "$HOME/tmkms/canto/state/canto_7700-1_priv_validator_state.json"
sign_extensions = true
#Software-based Signer Configuration
chain_ids = ["canto_7700-1"]
key_type = "consensus"
path = "$HOME/tmkms/canto/secrets/canto-consensus.key"
#Validator Configuration
chain_id = "canto_7700-1"
addr = "tcp://" #Set here IP and port of the canto node U will be using for signing blocks (port can be custom)
secret_key = "$HOME/tmkms/canto/secrets/kms-identity.key"
protocol_version = "v0.34"
reconnect = true
Create service file and run TMKMS
Copy sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/tmkmsd-canto.service << EOF
ExecStart=$(which tmkms) start -c $HOME/tmkms/canto/tmkms.toml
Copy sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable tmkmsd-canto.service
sudo systemctl restart tmkmsd-canto.service
sudo systemctl status tmkmsd-canto.service
sudo journalctl -fu tmkmsd-canto.service -o cat
#ERROR tmkms::client: [canto_7700-1@tcp://] I/O error: Connection refused (os error 111)
LAST STEPS. Activate signing from canto node
Find field priv_validator_laddr = ""
at dir $HOME/.cantod/config/config.toml
and edit to your Validator IP + port
Example : priv_validator_laddr = "tcp://"
(Line 68 +-)
Make sure your firewall open only for KMS server IP to allow connect to port 26658 (or any custom port u set)
Copy apt install ufw
ufw allow 22
ufw allow 80
ufw allow 443
ufw deny 26658
ufw allow from <ip tmkms server>
ufw enable
ufw status
Restarting the Validator Node
Copy sudo systemctl restart cantod && sudo journalctl -fu cantod -o cat
Make sure that the logs are good
delete priv_validator_key.json
from the validator node and restart again. Everything should work
Helpful commands
su tmkms && cd
sudo journalctl -fu tmkmsd-canto -o cat
sudo systemctl restart tmkmsd-canto && sudo journalctl -fu tmkmsd-canto -o cat