

Light Testnet

SnapShot Light Testnet | Archive - (updated every 24 hours)

You can check the size and time of snapshot creation with this command curl -sI https://celestia.light-archive.snap-t.stavr.tech/light-t-snap.tar.lz4 | grep "last" && curl -sI https://celestia.light-archive.snap-t.stavr.tech/light-t-snap.tar.lz4 | grep content-length | awk '{printf "%.2f GB\n", $2/1024/1024/1024}'

cd $HOME
snap install lz4
sudo systemctl stop celestia-light
rm -rf $HOME/.celestia-light-mocha-4/data
curl -o - -L https://celestia.light-archive.snap-t.stavr.tech/light-t-snap.tar.lz4 | lz4 -c -d - | tar -x -C $HOME/.celestia-light-mocha-4/
sudo systemctl restart celestia-light && sudo journalctl -fu celestia-light -ocat

Useful Tools

🔥EXPLORER-T🔥: https://explorer.stavr.tech/Celestia-Testnet Indexer "ON" 🔥API-T🔥: https://celestia.api.t.stavr.tech 🔥RPC-T🔥: https://celestia.rpc.t.stavr.tech Snapshot-interval = 1000


  • Auto_install_script-T

source <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/111STAVR111/props/main/Celestia/Testnet/Light/lightt)

Last updated

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